
Steps To Start Successful Poultry Farming In Kenya

Poultry farming is one of the most profitable businesses in Kenya. With the increasing demand for eggs and chicken, it is now possible for anyone to create a poultry farm and make money from it. Chicken farming does not require a lot of capital investment and it can be done by individuals who have no prior experience with animal rearing.

With the introduction of modern technology, it has become very easy to raise chicken in Kenya. The availability of cheap feed, medicine and vaccines makes poultry farming an ideal option for anyone looking for a profitable business venture.

In Kenya, the poultry industry has been growing rapidly over the past few years. This is because it provides an opportunity for farmers to make money from their chickens, which they can then use to buy other goods and services. Poultry farming also helps improve food security in Kenya because it increases the amount of meat available locally.

The demand for chicken meat has increased over the years due to its high nutritional value as compared to other meats such as beef or pork. In addition to being nutritious, chicken meat is also affordable which explains why many people prefer buying chicken than other types of meat products like beef or pork which are usually more expensive than chicken meat sold at supermarkets or butcher shops around town.

Beginner Guide to Successful Poultry Farming in Kenya

Below are some steps to guide you start a successful poultry Business;

Determine The Market For Your Poultry

Determining the market for your poultry is a crucial first step in starting a poultry farming business.

It’s important to take stock of your own abilities and interests, as well as your local environment, before deciding what type of poultry business you want to start.

There are many different types of poultry that can be raised in Kenya, including chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese. Each has its own particular needs and requirements.

As you research the market for each type of poultry in Kenya, think about what will make it profitable for you. For example, if you are considering raising chickens as part of your business plan, consider whether or not there is demand for eggs in your area. If so, consider how much eggs sell for locally and how much it would cost to produce enough eggs to make it worth your while financially.

Choose a chicken breed

To start poultry farming in Kenya, you first need to choose which chicken breed you want to raise.

There are many different breeds of chickens available for your farm, and each has its own unique characteristics. You should choose a breed that meets your needs and goals. If you want to raise chickens that lay large eggs, then consider choosing an egg-laying breed like the Leghorn or Rhode Island Red. If you want to keep more than one bird at a time in your home, consider getting a dual-purpose chicken such as the Plymouth Rock, Barred Rock or improved Kienyeji.

Once you’ve chosen a breed of chicken, it’s time to decide how many birds you want to raise on your farm. When raising poultry, it’s best to start small so that you can learn how things work before investing in large quantities of feed and other supplies.

You will also have to decide on whether you want to buy chicks and raise them or buy mature and chicken. based on what you want you will be able to budget and plan.

Have A Detailed Business Plan And Financial Projections

The first thing you’ll want to do is develop a detailed business plan that includes projections for all aspects of your operation, including:

Your operating expenses (including labor costs)

Your capital investment

The cost of feed and supplies

The number of chickens that you expect to produce each week or month

Your profit margin

This will help you to determine what type of operation you want to start, how much money you need and the potential profit potential. It is important that the business plan be realistic because it will help determine the number of birds that should be purchased or built.

You should also research other successful poultry farmers in your area and determine what they have done to be successful in this business.

You can get a lot of information from the Internet, but it is always best to learn from someone who has been in the business for many years. A good place to start is with your local cooperative extension office. This government-funded organization can provide you with valuable information on everything from setting up your farm to marketing your products.

Build Housing For The Chickens

You can build your own chicken coop from scratch or find one that is already built. If you are going to build your own, you will need to consider the size and number of chickens that you want to keep. You should also consider how much space the chickens will need for their feed and water and for the litter for their droppings.

There are many different styles of chicken coops available on the market, but they all have some basic features in common. The first thing is that they need to be easy to clean and disinfect. Your new chickens will come with a certain amount of bacteria that they picked up from their previous home, so it’s important to make sure that no one gets sick from this bacteria.

The second thing is that they need protection from predators such as dogs and raccoons, so they should be enclosed in some way or even buried underground if necessary. Finally, they need ventilation so that they don’t suffocate inside during hot summer months when there is no air circulation in them at all!

Get your chicken feed, equipment and supplies

If you want to start poultry farming, you will need the right equipment and supplies. You can buy everything you need online or at your local feed store. Here is what you need:

Chicken feeder and waterer: Your chickens will need food and water daily. The type of chicken feeder and waterer you choose depends on how many chickens you have and how much space they have available to roam around in.

Chicken coop: A chicken coop is an enclosed structure where the hens can lay their eggs, roost, eat, drink and sleep. It’s important that the coop has enough room for all the chickens (or just one if it’s a small operation) to move around comfortably during the day and night. The size of your flock will determine how large or small your coop needs to be.

Heat lamp: Heat lamps are used when temperatures are too low especially at night. This helps keep them warm during those cold nights when they won’t be able to stay inside the coop because they’d freeze if they did so!

Chicken feeds: Chickens will eat almost anything, but if you want to raise chickens for meat or eggs, it is important that they get the right nutrients in their diet. For example, if you plan on raising chickens for eggs only, you should include lots of yellow corn in their diets.

This will give them the nutrients they need to produce large amounts of eggs every day. If you are planning on raising chickens for meat and not just eggs, then it is best to feed them grain-based feed instead of corn-based feed because this will give them more muscle mass so that they can grow faster and produce more meat as well.

Start with the basics and then get comfortable before you expand.

The first thing you should do when starting a poultry farming business is to start with the basics and then get comfortable before you expand. This is because it will give you time to learn about the business, complete your research and find out if this is something that you truly want to pursue.

You should start by purchasing some chickens or other types of poultry, so that you can gain experience in raising them. If you are raising chickens, then buy at least ten hens and one rooster. This will allow you to have some eggs and meat for your family within a few months of starting your business.

Once you have these supplies, you need to decide where you will keep your chickens and how they will be treated. You also need to decide what type of feed they will eat, as well as how much space each hen needs in order for them to feel comfortable.

After deciding on all these factors, it’s time to set up an incubator for hatching eggs or raise some chicks from eggs that were laid before purchased by you!

Maintain cleanliness

Maintaining cleanliness is one of the most important steps in poultry farming. Poultry can get sick and die if they are not kept clean, so it’s important to have a place where you can wash your hands after handling them, and it’s also important to clean out any droppings that might be in the coop or on their food.

The best way to keep the coop and all of its contents clean is by using disinfectants regularly, but there are other ways as well:

-Use disinfectant powder on the floor of your chicken coop every day. This will help kill bacteria, viruses and other germs that could make your chickens sick.

-Make sure that you keep your water bowl clean by cleaning it out every day with soap and water or vinegar. This will prevent bacteria from growing in it.

Manage Poultry Farm Diseases

The disease management of poultry farming is one of the most important aspects of raising chickens. There are many diseases that can affect livestock, and if these diseases are not managed properly, it can lead to financial loss.

The first step in managing poultry farm diseases is to make sure that your chicken coop is clean and well-ventilated. Another way to prevent disease is through vaccination. These vaccinations will help prevent your chickens from getting sick before they start showing symptoms. Finally, it’s important to keep an eye out for any signs of illness or injury and treat them immediately so they don’t get worse!

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These Are The Poultry Farm Diseases You Should Be Aware Of


Chlamydiosis is caused by the Chlamydia psittaci bacterium. This disease can cause low egg production, respiratory problems and sudden death. The symptoms include swollen eyes, nasal discharge and sneezing.

Avian influenza

Avian influenza is caused by the H5N1 virus and it affects chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese. The symptoms include coughing, sneezing and difficulty breathing. You may also notice diarrhea or vomiting in these birds. If you see any of these symptoms in your chickens, contact your veterinarian immediately for treatment advice.

Newcastle Disease

The Newcastle Disease virus is the most common cause of death in poultry. It causes respiratory and nervous symptoms, leading to paralysis and death. The virus can be transmitted through the air and by fomites such as clothing, feeders or waterers.


Newcastle disease symptoms include:

Weakness in birds


Nasal discharge

Eye infections (conjunctivitis)

Swollen head, comb or wattles (feathers)

Reduced appetite, drinking and egg production

Marek’s Disease

Marek’s Disease is a highly contagious, often-fatal viral chicken disease. It can also affect turkeys and other poultry. The disease causes tumors to form in the lymph nodes and other organs of chickens, and the disease is often fatal.

The Marek’s Disease Virus (MDV) is a herpes virus that attacks the nervous system of chickens, causing them to lose coordination, become weak and eventually die from paralysis or shock. Marek’s disease is not contagious to humans or other animals; however, it can be spread from bird to bird by direct contact or by contaminated equipment or clothing. In rare cases, it can be transmitted through feed or water sources.

Marek’s disease affects all breeds of chickens but is most common among chickens less than 16 weeks old (young birds). The incubation period (time between infection and onset of symptoms) ranges from five days to three weeks, but typically lasts between one and two weeks.

Marek’s Disease

Tips To keep Diseases away from your Poultry Farm

1. Always keep your chickens free from diseases and other problems by giving them proper care and attention. This includes providing them with nutritious food, water and shelter at all times.

2. If you want to raise more than one breed of chickens, make sure that they don’t intermingle with each other. This will help maintain their purity and prevent cross-breeding which could cause problems later on down the road when it comes to selling your eggs or meat products.

3. Always keep an eye out for signs of disease in your chickens even if they don’t seem ill at first glance such as vomiting or diarrhea, lethargy and loss of appetite among others.

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