
Kenyan taxpayers to buy laptops for MPs

Kenyan taxpayers may soon be forced to fund the purchase of laptops for Kenyan members of parliament adding more burden to the overburdened taxpayers.
According to the The parliamentary Broadcasting and Library Committee in a report tabled in Parliament last Thursday, the MPs need to be facilitated with laptops to be able to participate in virtual meetings effectively.
“The committee recommends that the National Assembly should consider facilitating members of the National Assembly with laptops for the conduct of virtual meetings,” The report stated.
The new laptops are meant to help the MPs brainstorm on ways to beat COVID and the laptops, we guess will help them come up with a super plan
Just recently MPs were provided with iPads to aid them conduct business in parliament but that seems not sufficient for them despite the fact that they have very good salaries and allowances.
The MPs now want to spend KSh 105 million to purchase laptops for 350 MPs and of course there’s a high chance that they won’t need anything less than an Apple MacBook Pro.
The demand comes following the heightened outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic that has forced some members to attend parliament proceedings and meetings virtually.
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last week, Kenyans were slapped more with more taxes on airtime and internet and taxes were as well introduced on cooking gas forcing its price4 to sky rocket further.

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