Jeremiah Nyaga Technical Training Institute Fee Structure Download
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The minimum qualification for a diploma course at Jeremiah Nyaga Technical Training Institute is C- in KCSE and D (Plain) for a certificate course. Students who wish to join the college can apply through Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS). Or visit the college to process the application.
To get a place at Jeremiah Nyaga Technical Training Institute, one has to apply via the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS). The available programmes, institutions, minimum entry requirements and the application procedure are always available on the KUCCPS Student’s Portal accessible through the Placement Service website KUCCPS sets an application window within which the prospective students can submit their applications. The Entry requirement for all Diploma Courses is a C- and above; D (plain) and above for Certificate while other course categories are open.