
How To Pay Your Equity Bank Loan Via Mpesa

Paying your Equity Loan should not be a hassle process. There are various ways you can use to pay your Equity bank loan and paying using Mpesa is one of the most convinient ways to pay your Equity bank loan.

With this process, there will be no need to visit the bank.

How To pay Your Equity Bank Loan Via Mpesa

To pay your Equity Bank loan via Mpesa, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Mpesa menu and select “Lipa na Mpesa”
  2. Select “Pay Bill”
  3. Enter the Equity Bank Paybill number, which is 247247
  4. Enter your Equity Bank account number (Enter the Account that you received the loan with)
  5. Enter the amount you want to pay
  6. Enter your Mpesa PIN and send the payment

You should receive a confirmation message from Mpesa and from Equity Bank once the payment has been successful. If you have any problems or need further assistance, you can contact Equity Bank customer service for support.

Other Methods To Pay Your Equity loan

There are several ways to pay your Equity Bank loan:

  1. Online banking: You can make loan payments through Equity Bank’s online banking platform using a debit card or bank transfer.
  2. Mobile banking: You can use the Equity Bank mobile app to make loan payments using your mobile phone.
  3. Bank branch: You can visit a Equity Bank branch and make a loan payment in person using cash, a check, or a debit card.
  4. Mpesa: You can pay your Equity Bank loan using Mpesa by following the steps I provided in my previous message.
  5. Automatic debit: You can set up automatic debit payments for your Equity Bank loan through the bank. This will allow your loan payments to be automatically deducted from your bank account on a regular basis.

If you have any problems or need further assistance with making a loan payment, you can contact Equity Bank customer service for support.

Read>>>How to transfer money easily across different bank accounts 

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