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Fabia-Jamii Telecommunication (JTL) Contacts

Faiba is the latest Residential and SME product offering by JTL. Faiba provides the fastest internet connection through a 100% fiber connection to your home or business premises. In some cases you may encounter issues that needs to be addressed. Contacting Faiba_JTL customer care is the best way to get your issue sorted. In this article, we share various contact numbers and platform you can use to contact Faiba JTL
While it may sound easy, getting the right Faiba JTL contact number may be a hard task for many. The good news is that there are various ways you can contact Faiba JTL and get your problem sorted. Top on the list of Faiba contacts methods is Faiba JTL customer Care number, social media pages and the official JTL email.
Some of the reasons why you may need to contact Faiba JTL may include, complaint due to slow or poor network, Airtime purchase related issues and many others.

Faiba JTL Customer Care Number

Contact Faiba JTL through their customer Care number 0747 585100. With this you can get assistance for issues such as Network issues, airtime purchase, sales and so many others.
Jamii Telecommunication customer care team is always available for you 24 hours to receive your call and get them solved.
You can also contact Faiba through the following contacts
Customer Care number: 0747 585100
Facebook: Faiba JTL
Twitter: @faibajtl
Website: JTL


Do not get frustrated when there is a solution available. One sure thing is that regardless of the method you will use, your issue will be addressed and you will get a solution.
Read>>>How to top up airtime for your Faiba 4G SIM card using Mpesa

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