
Are Jumia Smart Phones Original?

Are Jumia phones original? Is Jumia Genuine? This and many others are some of the questions I have come across in the recent past. Many people are willing to cough their money and buy products from the Kenyan leading online shop Jumia. However, several questions linkers in the minds of buyers especially those who have no experience with online shopping or let me just call them first buyers.
Jumia is the number one go for eCommerce platform for many Kenyans who intent to buy various products especially smartphones and other electronics. Considering that products such as smartphones are usually expensive, getting to know whether the product you are buying is original and brand new is fundamental. Remember with online option you have no option to get your hands on the product and test it before you place your order.
To answer these questions we need to first take some steps before we are sure. First, you need to visit the official Jumia website and head to the customer review and comment section of the product you are planning to buy. Go through the comments from some of the Jumia customers who bought the product before to understand their experiences.

Are Jumia Products Original?

This is the best guide to understand the legitimacy and originality of the product. Positive comments from those who have previously bought the product are one way of finding out how best they are. Also, look at their ratings to guide you o the performance of the same products. A highly rated product usually has a higher approval among customers.
On the other hand, a lowly rated product may be a clear indication that it won’t serve you to your expectations. Also, negative comments from clients who have already bought the product is a clear indication that the product is a no go for.
The second method to find out whether Jumia products are original or not is through personal experience from your peers. Do you have friends who have previously bought products from Jumia? If yes what was their experience? Through this, you will be able to make an informed decision. You will also be able to know if the delivery process was efficient as Jumia promised.
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My personal Experience with Jumia.

Personally, I have bought several products from Jumia among them Smartphones. In all the cases I have shopped online with Jumia nothing has ever gone wrong apart from a television set I had pre-ordered being returned since I did not have ready cash.
In some cases I had Jumia deliver the product to my doorsteps while in some cases I pick the product from their collection centre.
The good thing is that for electronic products such as television sets, they test the product for you to ascertain that it is in good condition before you take it home.
With 90% of products I have bought from Jumia being electronics, I can confidently say Jumia products are original. Not only Smartphones but other products I have bought previously as well. But always be sure of what you are buying before you place your order.
The good thing is that you can order any product on Jumia and pay upon delivery. If you are new to Jumia here is a buying guide for you.

Jumia First Time Shopping Guide
  1. Visit the official Jumia website
  2. Identify the product you wish to order
  3. Go through the product description and make sure it is exactly what you are looking for. Pay close attention to the size or dimensions of the product, product accessories, colour, and many others
  4. Go through the comment section from previous buyers of the product and pay close attention to their opinion and review
  5. Make an informed decision
  6. If you are satisfied place your order.
  7. You can choose to pay directly or pay on delivery. Whichever way you will still receive your product.

Jumia platform has over the years proven to be a reliable online shopping platform. Follow the guides above to start your online shopping journey and hope you find it fulfilling. Before you place your order, it is always important to know the delivery period. This will help you plan in advance and know when your product will be ready for pickup.
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