

The dictionary definition of “abandoned,” usually used as an adjective, refers to something that has been deserted, relinquished, or left without care or supervision.

Use cases:

1. Describing physical spaces: Buildings, vehicles, or other structures that have been left empty and neglected.

2. Referring to objects: Items that have been discarded or left behind, often indicating a lack of value or care.

3. Depicting emotional states: Describing individuals who feel forsaken, unloved, or disregarded.


1. The abandoned house at the end of the street was overrun by weeds and graffiti.

2. The abandoned car in the parking lot had a shattered windshield and flat tires.

3. She felt abandoned by her friends when they stopped returning her calls.

4. The kitten, abandoned by its owner, was found shivering in the alley.

5. The abandoned factory stood as a haunting reminder of the town’s industrial past.




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