

Abort: The dictionary definition of “abort” is a verb with several meanings:

  1. To terminate a process prematurely, especially a mission, project, or procedure:
    • Use case: Ending something before it is completed or fully executed.
    • Example: The launch was aborted due to technical difficulties.
  2. To end a pregnancy deliberately by medical means:
    • Use case: Referring to the medical procedure of ending a pregnancy.
    • Example: She decided to abort the pregnancy for personal reasons.
  3. To fail to achieve an intended goal or outcome:
    • Use case: Describing a situation where a plan or effort is abandoned or doesn’t succeed.
    • Example: The mission to rescue the hostages had to be aborted when negotiations broke down.

Examples In Sentences:

  1. Due to bad weather conditions, the pilot had to abort the landing and circle the airport for another attempt.
  2. The software update process was aborted halfway through due to a system error.
  3. The company decided to abort the merger negotiations after disagreements over terms.

Related words:

  1. Terminate
  2. Cancel
  3. Halt
  4. Cease

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