Life Hacks

5 Proven Twitter Tips To Grow Your Audiance

Twitter is a great platform to grow your social media presence and engage with new customers and fans. With Twitter, you can interact with anyone, anywhere in the world at any time. You share content instantly and your audience can respond to it just as fast. Twitter has become one of the best ways to market your brand, expand your reach, and connect one-on-one with people who genuinely care about what you have to say.
If you’re a newbie at Twitter and looking to grow your audience, or an experienced marketer trying to find some compelling Twitter tips and tricks, you’ve come to the right place.

5 Twitter Tips To Grow Your Audience

To help you out, I have prepared an article full of Twitter tips to help you grow your audience.

1. Create a twitter list of accounts you enjoy and engage with those accounts regularly.

You want to grow your Twitter account, but where do you start? You’ve heard about Twitter lists, but haven’t created any. It’s time to get started and make a list or two (or ten).
There are a lot of accounts out there, and it can be overwhelming trying to find which ones you like most. But adding your favorites to Twitter lists can help you stay focused. You can also engage with these accounts daily by using Twitter Lists to see the accounts you follow have recently interacted with each other, creating an engaging conversation that interests you.
In short:

  • Create a twitter list of accounts you enjoy and engage with those accounts regularly.
  • Create a twitter list of people who you respect and admire
  • Create a twitter list of people who you want to learn from
  • Create a twitter list of people who you want to connect with

2. Mute keyword and hashtag so you don’t see any tweet with the word or hashtag you muted.

If you use Twitter, you’ve probably seen tweets from @brands and people you don’t follow. How do they get in your timeline? It’s because of the word or hashtag they used to tell their story. You may want to improve your engagement and reply to them but you won’t see their tweet if you don’t follow them. When someone mentions a subject in their tweet and you don’t have any interest in the word or hashtag, you could mute it. It means that word or hashtag will be invisible to you so you can read all tweets without being disturbed by certain words.

  • Mute keyword and hashtag to avoid seeing tweets with that word or hashtag
  • Mute keyword and hashtag to avoid seeing tweets with that word or phrases

3. Improve your bio, header image, and profile image to increase followers.

Improve your bio, header image, and profile image to increase followers.
Make the most of your bio. Your bio should help people understand what you’re about and why they should follow you. Try to keep it short but still cover all the relevant points: who are you? Why should I follow you? Why are you posting this content? What makes you different from anyone else who might share similar content?
Keep it simple and easy to read. Use hashtags sparingly (if at all). Avoid using emojis unless they are relevant to the post or have some other meaning that adds context to the text.
Take advantage of the space allotted for links in your bio! If a link is relevant, consider putting it into the first paragraph so that readers can quickly see where it’ll take them without having to click through or scroll down past multiple paragraphs first.
Your bio, header image, and profile photo all have the power to influence whether or not people follow you. Here are some tips for making sure they do:
-Use a header image that’s eye-catching but not distracting.
-Make sure the text in your bio is easy to read at a glance.
-Use hashtags in your bio and header image so that people can find you when searching for related content.

4. Schedule your tweets in advance to be more present on twitter.

One of the best ways to grow your audience on Twitter is to schedule your tweets in advance.
It’s easy to do: just go to your profile page and click “Schedule.” Then you can schedule a tweet for a later time, or even set up a recurring schedule that will automatically add new tweets at predetermined times.
This is great because it makes it so that you don’t have to spend all day tweeting—you can just create a few tweets ahead of time and then have them come out automatically throughout the day! It also means that your audience will see more of your content, since they won’t have to wait for you to actually be online at the same time as them!

  • Schedule tweets to be more present on twitter
  • Schedule tweets to be more productive
  • Schedule tweets to be more consistent
  • Schedule tweets to be more effective
  • Schedule tweets to be more engaging
  • Schedule tweets to be more professional

5. Write threads on particular topic instead of writing multiple tweets

If you’re trying to grow your audience, it’s important to keep your tweets concise and relevant. The more words you use, the less likely people are going to be interested in reading what you have to say.
Instead of writing multiple tweets on different topics, try writing threads instead. This way, all of your tweets can be tied together by one main idea or theme and will flow better with each other.
Threading is when you write a series of tweets about a topic and then tweet them all at once. It’s kind of like writing an article. You can use threading to give more context and information, or just to make your followers feel like you’re there for them during the day.
The best threads have a beginning and an end point—something that’s easily identifiable as a complete thought. For example, if you have a poll on Twitter asking people what their favorite fruit is, and then later in the week post a picture of an avocado with the caption “How do I eat this thing?” That would be a good time to use threading!
It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about one thing or ten things, if you want to keep your audience engaged then threading is definitely something worth considering!

  • A thread is a collection of tweets about a particular topic
  • A thread can be used for a specific event or topic
  • A thread can be used to answer a question
  • A thread can be used to share a story or experience
  • A thread can be used to share a link
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Twitter is a platform that can be hard to wrap your head around, but it’s worth the effort: with over 300 million active monthly users, there’s no question that it can be a powerful tool to grow your audience and strengthen your brand. And if you take the right steps towards using it, you’ll soon find that Twitter works as well for you as it does for hundreds of millions of other users.

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